Sunday, September 16, 2007

Website Kudos

From Jane Guild, American Primrose Society Editor:

"I wanted to tell you how very impressed I am with your website. It is everything anyone could ask for. You’ve done a great job."

From Peter: Check out the American Primrose Society's excellent website.

And from Elvin McDonald, founder of The American Gloxinia Society, now The Gesneriad Society: "Peter, I love our Web site! It makes me proud every time I visit."

Kudos to our Web Designer, Jesse James, and our Webmaster, Julie Mavity-Hudson!

Monday, September 3, 2007

"Know and Grow" is here!

This week marks the official release of the new edition of "How to Know and Grow Gesneriads", a 56-page manual published by The Gesneriad Society and edited by yours truly. Many members of The Gesneriad Society contributed to the creation of this book. The Society last published such a manual decades ago, and there has long been a need for a basic reference on gesneriads and their culture."How to Know and Grow Gesneriads" includes an essay on "What is a Gesneriad"; descriptions of the kinds of gesneriads; descriptions and photographs of 25 popular gesneriad genera; and detailed cultural information. It will be especially useful for beginners and intermediate growers, but we hope that any gesneriad lover will enjoy it. Cover price is $10, and quantity discounts are available. Order it online at the Society's site or on