Sunday, September 16, 2007

Website Kudos

From Jane Guild, American Primrose Society Editor:

"I wanted to tell you how very impressed I am with your website. It is everything anyone could ask for. You’ve done a great job."

From Peter: Check out the American Primrose Society's excellent website.

And from Elvin McDonald, founder of The American Gloxinia Society, now The Gesneriad Society: "Peter, I love our Web site! It makes me proud every time I visit."

Kudos to our Web Designer, Jesse James, and our Webmaster, Julie Mavity-Hudson!

Monday, September 3, 2007

"Know and Grow" is here!

This week marks the official release of the new edition of "How to Know and Grow Gesneriads", a 56-page manual published by The Gesneriad Society and edited by yours truly. Many members of The Gesneriad Society contributed to the creation of this book. The Society last published such a manual decades ago, and there has long been a need for a basic reference on gesneriads and their culture."How to Know and Grow Gesneriads" includes an essay on "What is a Gesneriad"; descriptions of the kinds of gesneriads; descriptions and photographs of 25 popular gesneriad genera; and detailed cultural information. It will be especially useful for beginners and intermediate growers, but we hope that any gesneriad lover will enjoy it. Cover price is $10, and quantity discounts are available. Order it online at the Society's site or on

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Selby Gesneriad Activities

The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, in Sarasota, FL, is increasing their gesneriad-related activities. In 2005 the Board of The Gesneriad Society authorized an annual donation of $2500 for each of the next 5 years to help support these activities.

Currently the institution is working on establishing an endowment for a full time Gesneriad research position. Here is an excerpt from a letter from Bruce K. Holst, Interim Director, Center for Tropical Plant Science & Conservation at Selby:

"In May 2007, we assembled a small team of gesneriad specialists and volunteers to create a strategic plan for the Gesneriad Resource Center. Participating were myself, John R. Clark, Larry Skog, Jeanne Katzenstein, Melissa McDowell, Marge Schmiel, and Wes Higgins. While the plan continues to be refined, a main goal is to seek funding for the creation of a full-time gesneriad research and conservation chair at Selby Gardens. While we have done, and can do a lot of work with our volunteer base, having a paid position focusing on gesneriads will be of tremendous benefit to the science and conservation of gesneriad species. With the GRF collection at Selby Gardens and with the Smithsonian Institution’s decision not to hire another gesneriad researcher, Selby Gardens is well-positioned to play a leading role in gesneriad studies. This chair would anchor what would then become the Gesneriad Research Center, whose work it would be to conduct taxonomic work, help conserve species in the wild and in botanical gardens, provide information to members of The Gesneriad Society and the public about gesneriads, and help coordinate international conferences to raise interest in, and the profile of gesneriads worldwide."


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Google publicizes us (as AGGS)

Using Gmail to correspond with a gesneriad friend the other day, I was presented with the following in the margin of email, courtesy of Google's automated system which scans email content and places sponsored and related links on the side:
Related Pages

AGGS Home Page
Offers complete culture information, membership benefits, resources, ...
Fortunately, The Gesneriad Society has kept the domain address indefinitely, and it forwards to our current address of I'm happy for the publicity courtesy of Google's automated system, and can't complain too much that they used our old domain name.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Links added

Per Paul's suggestion, I've added some links. If anyone has some other good gesneriad-related links, please let me know.


Friday, July 6, 2007

First day as President

Gesneriad Society Convention, Miami, Florida, 2:30 PM

At this afternoon's Board Meeting, the Board elected me President of The Gesneriad Society for a two-year term. As President I am looking forward to hearing from others who share an interest in gesneriads. How do we improve our Society, how can we serve our Members better, how can we spread the word about these wonderful plants so that others may share our enjoyment? Do you have suggestions for this blog -- content, links, photos? Please feel free to respond by commenting to my posts, or by emailing me (address link is in my Profile).

Good growing,
