Saturday, February 2, 2008

Gesneriad Society New Member Packets

Every new member of The Gesneriad Society receives a "New Member Packet", consisting of a welcome letter, two back issues of Gesneriads/The Gloxinian, a copy of "How to Know and Grow Gesneriads", a packet of mixed gesneriad seed, a seed list, culture sheets, and a list of gesneriad suppliers. Until recently, this packet was mailed to new members after they joined. We have now created a "retail" version of the New Member Packet for "on-the-spot" membership sales at flower shows/sales, Chapter meetings, lectures, and workshops.A prospective new member may purchase their membership and immediately receive all these goodies in their packet, with the anticipation that they will also receive all the benefits of Gesneriad Society membership over the coming year, including four additional issues of Gesneriads, access to the Seed Fund, the Convention, Judging Schools, etc.Starting in September 2007, we have made these packets available to individuals and Chapters for their Shows, Sales, Lectures, and Workshops. A number of memberships have been sold this way. For example, I gave a talk on "Chiritas" at the New York State African Violet Society Convention this past October. At the talk I offered copies of "How to Know and Grow Gesneriads" for purchase as well as Gesneriad Society Memberships with the New Member Packet. I sold a couple of memberships this way.

If you are interested in having some New Member Packets for an upcoming event, please contact the Gesneriad Society Membership Secretary: and Bob will be happy to send you some.

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